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Articles scientifiques


lboudo Nébié, E.K., Brewis, A., Wutich, A., Yogo, P. and Magassa, K. (under review). Livelihoods, Gender, and Water Insecurity: Understanding Intra-household Differences in Burkina Faso. Society and Natural Resources.


Quimby, B., Roque, A.D., Ilboudo Nébié, E.K, Levine, A., Amaama, S.A., Wutich,A., Brewis,A., and Sameulu, L.E. (under review). Blue food sovereignty benefits social-ecological resilience: a case study of small-scale fisheries comanagement and mariculture in Samoa. Human Ecology.


Mauerman, M., Ross, C., Ilboudo Nébié, E.K., Anderson, W., Jensen, N.M Chelanga, P.  2023. The Long-Term Impact of Multi-Season Droughts on Livestock Holdings and Pastoralist Decision-Making in Marsabit, Kenya. Journal of Land Degradation 211, 104928.


Anderson, W., C. Taylor, S. McDermid, W. Schlenker, R. Seager, E.K. Ilboudo Nébié, F. Cottier, A. de Sherbinin, D. Mendeloff , K. Markey. 2021. Characterizing the effect of drought, conflict, and locusts on food security in Africa Nature Food.


Hernandez-Aguilera, J. N., W. Anderson, A.L. Bridges, M.P. Fernandez, W.D. Hansen, M.L. Maurer, E.K. Ilboudo Nébié, A. Stock. 2021. Supporting interdisciplinary careers for sustainability. Nature Sustainability, 4(5), 374-375.


West, C.T., E.K. Ilboudo Nébié, and A.J. Moody. 2021. Participatory mapping with high-resolution satellite imagery: a mixed method assessment of land degradation and rehabilitation in northern Burkina Faso. Journal of Ecological Anthropology 22(1), 1-19.


Giannini, A., E.K. Ilboudo Nébié, D. Ba, and O. Ndiaye. 2021. Livelihood Strategies Shape Vulnerability of Households' Food Security to Climate in Senegal. Front. Clim. 3:731036. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2021.731036  


Anderson, W., C. Taylor, S. McDermid, W. Schlenker, R. Seager, Ilboudo Nébié E. K., F. Cottier, A. de Sherbinin, D. Mendeloff , K. Markey. 2021. Violent conflict exacerbated drought-related food insecurity between 2009 and 2019 in sub-Saharan Africa. Nature Food.


West, C.T., Ilboudo Nébié, E. K.,and A.J. Moody. 2021. Participatory mapping with high-resolution satellite imagery: a mixed method assessment of land degradation and rehabilitation in northern Burkina Faso. Journal of Ecological Anthropology 22(1), 1-19.


Ilboudo Nébié, E. K., D. Ba, A. Giannini. 2021. Climate shocks and food security: who and where are the most vulnerable households in Senegal? Global Food Security 29: 100513.


Ilboudo Nébié, E. K., C.T. West, T.A. Crane. 2021. Participatory Mapping with Herders in a Climate Adaptation Research

Project. Practicing Anthropology 43(1): 25-29.


llboudo Nébié E. K., C.T. West, T.A. Crane. 2020. 'Where's the map?': integrating ethnography with maps to understand the complementarity between pastoral mobility and border formation. Journal of Political Ecology 27(1): 795-818.


Ilboudo Nébié, E., West, C. T. 2019. The dynamics between migration and land use and land cover change in Burkina Faso: A comparative case study. Journal of Political Ecology 26(1): 614-632.


West, C.T., A. Moody, E.K. Nébié, and O. Sanon. 2017. Ground-truthing Sahelian greening: Ethnographic and spatial evidence from Burkina Faso. Human Ecology 45(1):89-101.


Call, M., T. Mayer, S. Sellers, D. Ebanks, M. Bertalan, E.K. Nébié, and C. Gray. 2017. Socio-environmental drivers of forest change in Rural Uganda. Land Use Policy 62(2017): 49-58.


West, C.T., E.K. Nébié, and A. Somé. 2014. Famines are a thing of the past: Food insecurity trends in northern Burkina Faso. Human Organization 73(4):340–350.


Chapitre de livre


Ilboudo Nébié, E. 2020. Where are the Women? Gendered experiences of land resources management in the time of climate change in southern Burkina Faso. In Boyd L. and E. Burrill (eds.). Legislating Gender and Sexuality. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press


Rapports de synthèse


Crane, T.A., Nébié, E., Ng’ang’a, T. 2018. Social differentiation and climate change adaptation - synthesis report. LGACC Working Paper No. 2. Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute, 7pages.  


Nébié, E. 2016. Exploring Three Climate Adaptation Strategies in the Pastoral Zone of Sondré-Est. LGACC Project Report No. 5. Nairobi, Kenya: International Livestock Research Institute, 35 pages.


Note d'orientation


Fuchs, L.E., Njuguna, L.W., Robinson, L.W., Zampaligré, N., Coulibaly, J., Crane, T., Nébié, E., Ng’ang’a, T., Somé, B., Ontiri, E. 2018. Characterizing Local Adaptive Capacity at Various Scales: A Framework for Adaptation Planning. LGACC Policy Brief 2. Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Center.


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